Ave Maria di Giuseppe Verdi - Halidon Music

Ave Maria di Giuseppe Verdi

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Today, June 13, 2015 in Roncole Verdi, press conference on the "First Roncole Festival"
An anticipation, directly from Master Frontalini which will hold the press conference at 11:00 am at the birthplace of Giuseppe Verdi in Roncole Verdi - Busseto - Parma.
On August 13, the last concert of the festival in 2015 First Roncole could consocere a discovery / G.VERDI first fruits of the Master, his Ave Maria sconoscita for soprano (L.Ansaldi) and strings that will be a moment emoziante for the festival. One of our. program guidelines of the Festival was also to bring to light music of the MAESTRO still unknown, and we are succeeding.
Another goal for the second edition of 2016 will be to raise awareness of the only student who had VERDI - Emanuel MUZIO ......
A FESTIVAL THAT NOT RUNS onLy musical hedonism, but discoveries, revaluations, proposed as part of a presentation of the MAESTRO will be very human and not cattedrattica inaferrabile GREEN ... we want to be seen as the ns. old friend to get closer to better know and love him in his music.